Take a Quiz

life coach new york

5 questions to discover your deeper purpose. Take this quiz to begin!

1. How would you describe your current level of satisfaction and fulfillment in your life?

Extremely satisfied and fulfilled

Moderately satisfied, but seeking more fulfillment

Feeling stagnant and unfulfilled

Completely dissatisfied and seeking significant change

2. How would you rate your overall level of motivation and drive to achieve your goals?

Highly motivated and driven

Moderately motivated, but seeking more drive

Lacking motivation and struggling to stay focused

Completely unmotivated and unsure of goals

3. How would you describe your current level of clarity and direction in your life?

Crystal clear with a well-defined path

Somewhat clear, but seeking more clarity

Feeling lost and lacking direction

No clarity at all and in need of guidance

4. How would you rate your ability to manage stress and maintain a healthy work-life balance?

Excellent at managing stress and maintaining balance

Moderately successful, but seeking improvement

Struggling to manage stress and achieve balance

Overwhelmed and completely out of balance

5. How open are you to receiving guidance, support, and making necessary changes to achieve success?

Completely open and ready for guidance

Somewhat open, but hesitant about making changes

Unsure about seeking guidance and making changes

Closed off and resistant to seeking help or making changes

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